In the Kitchen with Kara: You say tomato, I say amazing!
In our house, tomatoes are like gold. Which is great this time of year when my tomato plant over-giveth and my herbs are begging to be used up and enjoyed.
One of our favorite family recipes is herb + tomato sauce. It is so basic it is almost silly but you can’t beat the freshness. This sauce helps me make my husband and my girls happy and that means mama is a winner. Some of my favorite ways to use this up are in spaghetti and on homemade pizzas.
My husband adores a big plate of spaghetti. I am pretty sure he married me to ensure he would never have to go back to jarred sauce again. And my girls gobble this up. Well, inhale might be a better word.
Pizza night is always a hit at our house. My kids don’t even know delivery because my homemade crust is a no brainer and the fun of putting the pizzas together is priceless. The girls get to help and I get to feel good about what is going into their bodies.
CHEF KARA TIP when making the sauce, boost the flavor! Once you have added all the tomatoes and the sauce is simmering away, toss in a rind from a hunk of parmesan and let is slowly melt its goodness into your sauce. The layer of flavor from the parmesan adds a complexity to this simple sauce. You can (and will) thank me later!
You say tomato and I say AMAZING!